AGM Services and Junair Spraybooths are proud to be the main sponsors of the BEN Lynwood to Paris Charity cycle ride. As well as being the main sponsors, both AGM and Junair have entered a team to take part in the 500km ride.
BEN is a not-for-profit organisation, dedicated to making positive differences to people’s lives in the automotive industry. BEN is proud to offer lifetime practical help, support and advice to those who work, or have worked in the automotive and related industries, and to their family dependents. In addition to its wide range of free confidential information, advice and support services, BEN operates highly regarded care centres at various locations throughout the UK plus a day centre in Coventry.
Meet the AGM Cyclist Team
The AGM cyclists are Julie Morrison, AGM Services Founder and Fiona Morrison, Business Operations Manager, with Neil Morrison, Managing Director and Jordan Young, Assistant Production Manager representing the Junair cyclists. Several weeks into the training plan, the team have been training hard while the rest of the spray booth engineers held the fort.
Neil Morrison, Junair Spraybooths comments, “With 10 weeks to go the training is stepping up, and with better weather it is good to get out of the gym and on to the road. I can definitely see the change in my fitness levels now. I’m just hoping that I’ll be ready when the time comes as it’s a pretty gruelling distance and I believe there are some decent climbs involved.”
Julie Morrison of AGM Services comments, “Signing up to the challenge was a great excuse to get a new bike; I’m now getting more practise on long distances. I’m still going to spinning classes and have upped it to three classes per week. I’m also attending cardio tennis classes and having tennis lessons as well. I’m determined to be as fit as I can be when the time comes.”
Show your support for Neil, Julie, Jordan and Fiona by donating to BEN at